some chatter

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some chatter

One topic Drealm raised today is how often we would see each other living in Seguin.  We said minimum once a week, but I realize this is wrong.  Living close means meeting at least twice a week.  The first meeting would be on shabbat evening (friday) for a shared shabbat dinner.  And the second would be saturday for the shabbat service/reading.

I also thought more about how to get more members.  I realize that my approach to selling Biblic Judaism is basically intellectual which is useless for most people.  Most people are not interested in understanding the Bible or anything else for that matter.  That doesn't mean that they can't join us.  To join us, they just have to follow the rules.  So I thought of the following approach.

I go to various Christian church services.  After service, at social time, I tell people that I am there to promote the sabbath.  I hand out some literature supporting the Christian sabbath (Sunday sabbath) and I answer any questions people have.  With the literature I hand out, I would include an open invitation to attend our shabbat dinner and saturday service.  People could then follow up and attend if they are interested.  If some Christians got to know us by spending some time with us, we could explain Biblic Judaism to them and explain that it doesn't conflict with Christianity and that they could join us if they wanted.