Why was Bobby Fischer incel, but not Magnus Carlson?

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Why was Bobby Fischer incel, but not Magnus Carlson?

They were both #1 chess players, so if intelligence is what makes one incel, both of their intelligence is among the best when measured by chess. In my opinion neither one is significantly more attractive than the other, in their prime (but I guess I don't know how women see things). But when you search "Magnus Carlsen girlfriend" you see him with fairly attractive women, but there are no documented instances of Bobby Fischer ever having a girlfriend. He was not gay, and there are reports of him saying that he wanted to spread his genes, and later in life he became involved with a Filipina woman and thought he had a child with her, but the child turned out not to be his. Watching interviews of Bobby Fischer, he seems like the kind of person who has nothing wrong with him but women would not want, although I cannot put my finger on what exactly women would dislike about him.

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Re: Why was Bobby Fischer incel, but not Magnus Carlson?

Wary Observer
Maybe it was this

Bobby Fischer on women