What makes jocks cooler than nerds?

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What makes jocks cooler than nerds?

The other day I met the son of my uncle's wife, and he is not particularly attractive, a little bit chubby, and he is soft spoken too, and yet he had this extremely stunning hot girlfriend. He was a good football player in high school, which I'm guessing is what enabled him to get such a hot girlfriend.

It made me wonder: What makes jocks cooler than nerds? I was thinking maybe it is just the fact that sports are more down to earth, and this makes sports easier to unite on, and a social advantage would naturally follow from this. One may object saying are different sports, but athletes are fairly adaptable, and an athlete who is good at one sport is often good at all sports, because it is just a few core concrete skills like strength speed and situational awareness that make one good at any sport, so an athlete would have little trouble giving up his preferred sport for the more popular sport. Nerds, however, often have divergent interests, and one nerd will not always have anything in common with another nerd, that they can unite on. But a jock can always socialize with another jock, because they derive pleasure from throwing a fucking ball, so they can always have fun talking about this.

And if you are part of a bigger social group, as jocks are, then hot girls naturally follow, because women want a man who is part of a large group.

It makes me wonder if "gamers" will start getting the same social benefits as jocks, as video games become more mainstream, because everything in this post I described about sports should fully apply to video games as well.
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Re: What makes jocks cooler than nerds?

It’s called attraction. Something you incels don’t understand
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Re: What makes jocks cooler than nerds?

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