I just watched this documentary. You can find it for rental on itunes store. This is a documentary about a white racist who tried to form an exclusive white community in small town rural America. His plan seemed to be to buy property and move in new residents so that new residents would eventually have overwhelming council power. Since the town was small and white nationalism is a large movement the odds would seem to be in his favor. However he ultimately failed. Only one family moved there to join him. At few points in the video he seemed to acknowledge that younger people are unwilling to get off their ass and take any action. This documentary shows the obstacles with creating an exclusive community. If you want to change the world and actively engage outsiders in debate then you will lose. On other hand if you want to mind your own business like an Orthodox Jew or Mennonite you'll likely be left alone. Ultimately at some point you should gain council power. |
This is now available on Netflix:
https://www.netflix.com/title/80039643 The main character isn't just a white nationalist, he is a Nazi. I respect white nationalists because they just want to have their own ethnic community. This isn't much different from Zionism. But modern Nazis like the main character are actually obsessed with exterminating jews and things like that, so I have no sympathy for them at all. The main character was confrontational with the local people for no good reason. He obviously should have directed his energy to attracting more of his people to this town. This movie shows how to do everything wrong. The Mennonite and Orthodox Jewish approach works. |
What about the Islamic approach in Europe? Move in, vote leftist, get more Muslims in, rinse and repeat. Both Christianity and Islam didn't become what they are by minding their own business
On Friday, August 5, 2016, fschmidt [via Mikraite] <[hidden email]> wrote: This is now available on Netflix: |
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