As a prerequisite for another book I am reading I thought it would be a good idea to refresh my memory on electromagnetics. So I opened the Griffiths Electrodynamics textbook and started doing a random problem (2.45 in the picture attached). But after spending a few hours on it I got frustrated and gave up. I looked at the answer key and it turns out the answer uses a non-intuitive "trick" from a problem 40 problems earlier.
This is bullshit. I thought the problems would be a fast-track to refreshing my physician knowledge, but they turned out to be a big waste of time. I would have been better off just reading the text. I am pissed off that the author wasted my time like this. All the problems in the Griffiths book are similarly difficult. They just test your ability to do complicated math using non-intuitive tricks rather than testing your knowledge of physics. Totally pointless waste of time.
Anyway, does anyone know of any good resources for learning/refreshing physics knowledge? Like, a set of problems to solve, so that you don't have to reread a whole textbook? Except it should be a sane set of problems unlike the ones in the Griffiths book. I am looking to refresh my knowledge of all areas of physics (mechanics, electromagnetics, and nuclear physics).