Useless cloud VM tutorial at work

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Useless cloud VM tutorial at work

My boss at work paid a bunch of money to another department at work to let us use their "high performance cloud VM" system. Some guys from the group that maintains these VMs came to give a tutorial on how to use these things using their web interface. The meeting name had the word "tutorial" in it.

Very little useful info was given in the 2 hour tutorial, and most of the "tutorial" was really just a sales pitch about how great their cloud VM system is and he spent a lot of time talking about some obscure features that were of no interest to me. Using the little info he gave in his presentation, I tried to set up one of the cloud VMs while he was speaking. I was able to set it up but I noticed that I could not run sudo commands, even though he said in the presentation that you could. I let him know I was not able to run root commands, and he started talking about ssh keys which seemed at first seemed like a non-sequitur to me, since I had no problem logging into the system (but after the presentation I looked at the documentation it looks like there is a non-intuitive procedure you need to do in order to gain root access and ssh keys are in fact involved). I asked them follow up questions because I was totally confused, since they did not explain how to do this ssh-key-to-get-root crap during the tutorial, and they just condescendingly told me that the right place to ask troubleshooting questions was their ticketing website (which was itself a complicated unmemorizable url, which they didn't even paste in the chat until I asked them to), and they started talking about how they would work with me over Zoom to fix my problem. My question was generally applicable to everyone, since everyone is going to need to use root, so wouldn't the tutorial be the ideal place to answer it? As if my question about the most basic thing that everyone needs to do was out of scope, but the pointless obscure features he went into detail about were not. Anyway, when I made my ticket, not only did they not teleconference with me, but they did not even respond to the ticket.
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Re: Useless cloud VM tutorial at work

Anything surprising here?  Sounds like what I would expect.

Competence is surprising.  I am replacing ImgBB with Uploadcare for one of my projects, and they are surprisingly competent.  But then everyone there has Russian names and support responds at around midnight my time, presumably from Russia.  So that explains their competence.