Thinking positive

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Thinking positive

While I recognize the harms of toxic positivity, I also recognize that positive thinking is conducive to action, because you cannot take action without hoping that something good will come out of it.

I need to stop being so negative or else I may lose motivation to meet women in Colombia.

This is the scenario I am trying to drill into my mind:

I will meet someone through online dating. Not necessarily someone super young or attractive, but if she is my age I think this is young enough to be enjoyable.

And then, when I meet her the conversation will be a breeze. It will be a breeze because my lack of knowledge of the Spanish language will mask my poor social skills. Any weird thing I say she will attribute it to my lack of knowledge of Spanish.

Then at the end of it, if she looks like she is still interested, I will ask her if she wants to watch a movie. And then I will take her to my hotel room and play the movie, and try to have sex with her.

This is the scenario I am trying to drill into my brain. Hopefully it comes true.