The need to get rid of middlemen

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The need to get rid of middlemen

This video contrasts the relatively socialist system in the middle of last century with the modern fucked up system which is designed to enrich a parasitical middleman class at the expense of everyone else. We were really taken for a ride.
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Re: The need to get rid of middlemen

Actually, this guy's channel is good common sense. It is good to know that not all boomers are spiteful idiots.

Here is another good one.
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Re: The need to get rid of middlemen

Although unfortunately he buys into the climatard bullshit, so I guess no-one is perfect except me.
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Re: The need to get rid of middlemen

In reply to this post by Allen

He is an old style liberal.  But anything old is better than anything modern.
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Re: The need to get rid of middlemen

Yes, now I look at it there is a lot of silly nonsense, but he is instructive on some things such as MMT.