Second Thoughts on Alt-Tech

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Second Thoughts on Alt-Tech

I have reconsidered my previous post.  I realize now that this isn't my fight.  The fights between Left and Right, and between big tech and alt-tech aren't my concern.  Humanity is generally horrible and I shouldn't waste my time fighting for somewhat less horrible against somewhat more horrible.  The Right is slightly less horrible than the Left, and alt-tech is slightly less horrible than big tech.  But so what?  They're all horrible.

The reason I got emotionally invested in all this is because I had planned to move to North Idaho where many people actually seem not to be horrible.  The election fraud ruined my plans because Idaho will be crushed by the new administration.  And this made me angry at the Left and big tech.  But it's time to let go and realize that this is probably all for the best.  The American people are generally scum and the new administration will give them the suffering that they deserve.  And I will leave the country.

In practical terms, that means I stay with big tech services unless they become unusable.  Amazon used to be a good service, but is gradually becoming unusable which is why I switched from Amazon Music to Spotify.  So I will continue to tolerate other big tech services until they become unusable.