I watched some of the video. I don't think the r/K concept is exactly right. After all, rabbits are cute, not evil. What is truly evil is Fisherian runaway selection. In an r-group, there is basically no selection criteria for mating. But in modern human societies, there is a clear selection by women in favor of evil and stupid men as a result of Fisherian runaway selection. You can read my full explanation here:
http://www.mikraite.org/Human-Evolution-tp17.htmlAlso from what little I know about Stefan Molyneux, he completely fails to understand the importance of religion and its impact on human evolution.
I see no reason to believe that modern society would try to destroy a small K society. After all, Hasidic Jews and the Amish are left alone. What I do believe is that K-type people in modern society are dysfunctional for reasons I don't understand and that they would rather spend their time looking for excuses to justify their failure than looking for solutions that would result in success.