My strategy

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My strategy

I am starting to lose hope in reforming the Baha'i community in any meaningful way, because the Bahais are just completely hopeless. I used to think the problem was that the Baha'i administration kept shutting down the Baha'i centers (to save money), but I moved to a location that has a Baha'i center, and it is just a bunch of elderly liberals. I admit they have more brains here than my last community, because at least some of them are willing to admit there is a problem with the state of the Baha'i community. But I don't see them as being able to help me lead a successful revolt.

So what I am doing now is advertising the Unitarian Baha'i subreddit using Google ads. But I am only advertising locally. My hope is to just get a bunch of people in my area interested in Unitarian Baha'ism. Maybe some of them can become posters on the subreddit, and then maybe even at some point some of these people can work with me in person, since they are local, to create an alternative to the mainstream Baha'i faith. Does this seem like an effective strategy? I suppose a similar strategy can be tried with Mikraite/Arkian?
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Re: My strategy

As I said, I think adults are hopeless.
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Re: My strategy

Adults are set in their views past a certain age, but I think it is different for young adults, who may be targeted by these ads. The 1960s had young adults joining all sorts of cults, including Baha'i. And even in more recent years, I saw this Baha'i guy in the last place I live attract a huge following of young people. He was a rich lawyer who organized these gatherings at his huge house, and he knew how to assemble a team of the right people to help him gain followers. His right hand man was this college student who had lots of women interested in him by acting like a "cult leader", and acceptance from the Baha'is was like the cherry on top for his image, and he would bring these hot young women who were interested in him to the Baha'i gatherings. There was also this charismatic African guy who was successful in recruiting. The Baha'is in general suck at recruiting, but this lawyer guy did an effective job, and his gatherings were packed with trendy young people. Only issue is that the lawyer guy tried to push them to do mainstream Baha'i activities instead of forming his own cult, and mainstream Baha'i activities are extremely effective in repelling young people.
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Re: My strategy

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Re: My strategy

Yes I do notice that my most popular post on r/FreeSpeechBahai did this, and most of the people who commented on it were non-Baha'is. I toned down my rhetoric against degeneracy, because the Baha'is themselves did not like it, they view it as being "judgmental", and I prioritized gaining the support of Baha'is. But maybe I will have to abandon Baha'is and gain a following from scratch.

I think there is a market that a sect led by me can serve, which other religions to not effectively serve. For example, religions tend to be either anti-degeneracy or pro-racial tolerance, but not both. Baha'is were one of the first religions to promote racemixing between American blacks and whites (albeit by the successor rather than the prophet), and remained mostly silent on degeneracy, because they did not want their writings against degeneracy to interfere with their image as being the "racial tolerance" religion. But now many sects of Christianity promote racial tolerance, so Baha'is are not special in this aspect anymore. And now remaining silent on degeneracy is not enough because the churches that promote racial tolerance also promote degeneracy, so Baha'is are viewed by liberals as being intolerant against gays.

I think an underserved market may be interracial couples who want to be an accepted part of a religious community, but don't want their kids becoming cocksucking degenerates. So I may gear the religion in that direction. A non-racist religion that is staunchly against degeneracy. Might not be what the Baha'is want, but it is what the world wants, and what I want.