Is true atheism even possible?

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Is true atheism even possible?

I am interacting with people from the r/exbahai subreddit on reddit, and although most of them consider themselves to be atheists, they all seem to to unanimously have a deep religious belief in modern Western liberal values. The way you can tell that their belief in these values is religious is that they all universally get angry, aggressive, hostile if you blaspheme these values, just like a Muslim would get angry if you blaspheme the prophet Muhammad.

These aren't people who simply stopped believing in God. These are people who traded the Baha'i/Abrahamic god for another (the God of liberalism).

This makes me wonder if it is possible at all to be a true atheist. Or maybe true atheism is the same as true theism, because neither worship idols, and what remains is God.
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Re: Is true atheism even possible?

Atheism isn't defined as a rejection of religion, but rather a rejection of God.  Atheism is a religion.  Their prophet is Plato and they worship ideal forms.

The least religious people are sociopathic narcissists like Trump who only really worship themselves.
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Re: Is true atheism even possible?

R.C. Christian
In reply to this post by OmegaKV
It's easy to be an atheist when people don't understand what God really is, and they are not interested in finding out what's behind the symbols. Some of them will eventually turn their backs to the empty Western brainwash.