Is the Twelve Factor app a scummy strategy?

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Is the Twelve Factor app a scummy strategy?

I just learned about this 12 factor ideal, and I wanted to hear your thoughts on these steps.

I'm to the stage in my development journey that I have to start thinking about packaging, and documentation, and *non scummy* organization.

I know that git is a scummy solutions also, and I have stayed away from it.
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Re: Is the Twelve Factor app a scummy strategy?

I. Codebase

II. Dependencies
Luan has no dependencies.

III. Config
Wrong, config should be in code.

IV. Backing services
Luan has no backing services.

V. Build, release, run
Luan has no build and no release.  Just push the code to the production and it runs.

VI. Processes
Basically yes

VII. Port binding

VIII. Concurrency
No, the app developer should be shielded from all this crap.

IX. Disposability
Yes, but should be invisible to app developer.

X. Dev/prod parity

XI. Logs
Basically yes

XII. Admin processes