Intelligence is obsolete

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Intelligence is obsolete

The scum have succeeded in creating superhuman AI, and it will only continue to become more powerful from now on. Now that AI can reason, the next big project for humanity will be interfacing the real world to ChatGPT, so that AI will truly be able to solve any problem. Then intelligence will truly be of no value. We are about to enter utopian times for women and r-selected men. Very soon there will be no ways in which they are at a disadvantage to intelligent men, so men who only have their intelligence to offer will just not be needed for any reason. All that will matter is how cool you are, how good looking you are, and how well you are able to fit in. This already is all that matters for things like getting sex, but soon it will be all that matters in a much deeper way. Like, intelligence won't even give you an advantage in the workplace, or help you to become a cult leader. It will just be completely useless for humans. You don't need to think, because the AI can do it for you.
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Re: Intelligence is obsolete

You think “I have no mouth and I must scream” will become a reality?