I just overheard my inconsiderate neighbor with a barking dog having sex

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I just overheard my inconsiderate neighbor with a barking dog having sex

I wrote about him before here:


Just now I heard what sounded like a young woman moaning so I put my ear next to the wall that me and my neighbor share, and sure enough that's what it was - my neighbor was having sex with some woman. I was struck by how genuine the moans sounded - nothing like the fake moans that prostitutes make when I have sex with them. You could tell she was really enjoying it. When a woman is genuinely moaning from sexual pleasure, she sounds like she is "shivering", which is what this young woman my neighbor was having sex with was doing.

It depressed me that this inconsiderate neighbor with a barking dog will likely reproduce and likely spawn more inconsiderate offspring who won't care when their barking dogs disturb their neighbors. His dog did eventually stop barking, but only with great difficulty, and it went on for weeks after I left him a note and contacted the office - I think eventually more people must have complained.
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Re: I just overheard my inconsiderate neighbor with a barking dog having sex

My suggested solution is to become Arkian and stop considering yourself a member of humanity.  I mean how much does the sex and reproduction of cockroaches bother you?  Modern people are basically equivalent to cockroaches.  By becoming Arkian, you would leave this disgusting gene pool.