I can't even enjoy a latte from a coffee shop any more

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I can't even enjoy a latte from a coffee shop any more

I can't enjoy a latte at a coffee shop any more because tipping has become a requirement and I am strongly against tipping at coffee shops, so I will not go any more. This last time I was at this coffee shop I frequent and I looked over people's shoulder and nearly all of them hit the "20% tip" on the ipad. Everyone tips, and if you don't tip you are going to stand out.

They came out with the ipad tipping thing and all the sheep just went along with it. In this way modern scum ruin even the most basic pleasures of life.
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Re: I can't even enjoy a latte from a coffee shop any more

By the way, one interesting phenomenon I am noticing is that sit-down restaurants are worth it compared to the over the counter places. I mean you pay $15 for a fucking fast food burger and fries served to you in a bag, and then they on top of that they now to the ipad tipping thing. But you could dine at a nice restaurant for around that much. I used to tell myself "well, at the fast food place they don't require you to tip" but in our crazy world this isn't the case anymore.

It's really fucked up how a waiter spends an hour waiting on you, and the fast food worker spends 5 minutes taking your order and hands you a burger in a bag, and they now both expect the same amount of tip. I guess waiters are on average probably a little less trashy than fast food workers and baristas, and our culture just hates you more the less trashy you are.

I am just going to go to sit down restaurants more often.
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Re: I can't even enjoy a latte from a coffee shop any more

In reply to this post by OmegaKV
Who cares what other people think? Just don't tip. I always hit the "no tip" option. It's no big deal.
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Re: I can't even enjoy a latte from a coffee shop any more

You go to coffeeshops because you want to enjoy it, and I can't enjoy it if they think I am a cheap asshole for not tipping. I only started thinking about this because I noticed the coffeeshop workers were polite to other customers but rude to me. And after reading some posts by baristas on this topic on reddit, I found that the malice that I sensed was real. The general consensus seems to be "if you don't want to make a latte yourself, then leave a tip".
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Re: I can't even enjoy a latte from a coffee shop any more

R.C. Christian
OmegaKV wrote
You go to coffeeshops because you want to enjoy it, and I can't enjoy it if they think I am a cheap asshole for not tipping.
That's a sign of what they call low attitude strength. ( http://psychology.iresearchnet.com/social-psychology/attitudes/attitude-strength/ )

It's all you; you are too attached to social norms and what people think of you. You limit yourself.