How are men able to have casual conversations with women?

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How are men able to have casual conversations with women?

At work I often see young women (25-30) have conversations with young men. These conversations seem to flow naturally, and sometimes the men say things that result in the woman laughing.

How are men able to converse like this with women? I could never talk like this with a woman, because since opportunities to talk to young women are so scarce in my life, I view the slightest interaction with a woman with the same degree of seriousness as a job interview; I cannot just let loose and have a fun conversation. Does this not make sense, when on average I get around 1 opportunity per year to have a conversation with a young woman? How can I be casual and have fun, when the reality of the situation is that it is one of a small handful of tests I will get in my lifetime, and if I fail them then the consequence is that I don't reproduce? I cannot see talking to women as being lighthearted and casual. No, it is a grave and serious ordeal.
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Re: How are men able to have casual conversations with women?

Experience.  Which you will never get in America.
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Re: How are men able to have casual conversations with women?

Ok I just got tickets to Bogota, Jan 18-25.

I will try to make contact with women before I go this time.

Maybe if someone else is interested in getting a wife here they can join me. Last time I went I thought the experience would be more fun if I were with someone.
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Re: How are men able to have casual conversations with women?

I would love to join if I am not swamped by various personal matters. How is your Spanish?
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Re: How are men able to have casual conversations with women?

In reply to this post by OmegaKV
It helps a lot if we are handsome badboyz. Too bad we incels are far closer to the ugly nice guy (as most incels are)
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Re: How are men able to have casual conversations with women?

In reply to this post by Peter
Well if you're not swamped then get tickets to Bogota, Jan 18-25. You will see immediately how non-cuntish Colombian women are. People will be friendly to you, they love tourists. Young women will not act like they are disgusted by you, and they won't give you nasty looks if you accidentally make eye contact with them. When I was in Colombia, I felt for the first time in a very long time like I was worth something.
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Re: How are men able to have casual conversations with women?

You should realize now it has nothing to do with “what you said”, as much as “who you are”