Evaluating women’s character

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Evaluating women’s character

Mohammed Ali once said “i would not trust someone who is nice to me but mean to the waiter because that’s how he would treat me the same way if the situation is different.”

For evaluating women we should see how she reacts to the handsome badboy VS how she acts towards the ugly nice guy. That’s where her true character is revealed
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Re: Evaluating women’s character

One thing I have noticed is that if there is any awkwardness whatsoever it means she despises you. Women are very good at making men feel relaxed and comfortable when they don't despise them. If she gets nervous around you it is not for the same reason you get nervous around her. It means she is disgusted by you and is nervous because she is worried you are going to creep up on her.

If she is awkward around you, ask yourself "is she awkward around all men?" If the answer is no (which it almost always is), then she fucking hates you.