Since the average scum aren't interested in hearing ideas, to get their attention you need to do something that strikes the senses, perhaps like dressing in a flashy costume. Since the way early Baha'is dressed looks exotic to Western eyes, I am thinking it might help me gain a following to dress up like them. Here is a picture of the early Baha'is from the 1860s:
Unfortunately, this exact style of clothing is hard to find online. But maybe if I find some vaguely Middle Eastern clothing, something like an Aladdin costume, this will be good enough.
I can dress up like Aladdin, post my picture on, and get people to come see this exotic looking spectacle of myself. Then when they hear me talking, they will see that I am clearly more intelligent than they are, and they will attribute it to cultural superiority, and they will want to join my culture. This seems like it would work, wouldn't it? Would doing this help me to gain a following?