Dread Game

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Dread Game

I've never been an advocate of PUA because I think it causes collateral damage and I think being a provider offers an alternative value. But I recently came across the term "dread game". It reminds me of this post. Here's an example: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/2alji8/my_use_of_dread_game_in_a_ltr/ Perhaps there's value in having the ability to deploy this type of game intermittently in a serious long term relationship.
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Re: Dread Game

This would work well if you at least an 8/10 in terms of attractiveness, or if you have a "bad boy" demeanor. Otherwise, you probably won't have women flirting with you very frequently, so the "dread" game will not be effective. The real solution is to create a society that enforces monogamous sexual relations so that women are actually attracted to kind, reliable men and you don't have to play games in order to get affection in a relationship.
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Re: Dread Game

Did you read the post of mine that Drealm linked to?
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Re: Dread Game

Yeah, I read it. My point is that the "shit test" is only viable if you are already successful with women. If I had a girlfriend and didn't want to commit to sexual fidelity, her reaction would be, "whatever, you couldn't cheat on me if you wanted to because no one else would want to be with you." That's what happened in my previous "relationship" that I described in my introductory post. My ex-girlfriend kept on manipulating me and lying to me, and I stayed with her much longer than I should have because I knew that I couldn't find anyone else.

The idea that you can prove your on "sexual market value" to your girlfriend or wife by refusing to be faithful is too much like the PUA ideology of "fake it until you make it" for my liking. She won't be fooled, and the result will be the same as if you promised to be faithful. That's why the real solution is to create a society where sexual fidelity is enforced and being faithful as regarded as a good genetic trait.
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Re: Dread Game

You are over-analyzing this.  The first time your girlfriend withholds sex, you just say "no problem, I'll just see a hooker".  She will probably respond "Ha, you can't get it anywhere else".  You just shrug your shoulders, like you don't care, and say "whatever".  And you head for the door.  She will ask you where you are going.  You say "to a hooker".  And this will trigger the same response as in the "dread game" story, but not much game required.  Sex is sex, and women compete for exclusive rights.  She will rape you before you reach the door.  The key is to make sure that she doesn't take you for granted.
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Re: Dread Game

I think that if I had tried that, she would have said, "If you are the type who would see a hooker, I don't want to be with you anyway," and at worst she would have called the cops. But my relationship with her is over anyway, so it does make a sense. And I admit that she was quite an unusual person, and perhaps this would actually work with a more "normal" woman.