Declare the Creed

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Declare the Creed

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The creed of Biblic Judaism is:

The eternal message of Yehovah is in the Hebrew Bible and in history.

To join Biblic Judaism, you must sincerely declare this creed in a Biblic Jewish synagogue or to a Biblic Jew.

Yehovah is God's name, but you may substitute "Yahweh" or "Jehovah" if you believe this is God's name.  We can't be sure what the name really is based on the Hebrew.  But the use of God's name is required.

God also said to Moses, “Say this to the Israelites: Yehovah, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you. This is My name forever; this is how I am to be remembered in every generation.
Exodus 3:15

Requiring God's name in the creed eliminates followers of the Talmud which contradicts the Torah by disallowing the use of God's name.

The creed doesn't state that Yehovah is a god.  This allows atheists to be Biblic Jews.  They may consider Yehovan to be a force of nature.

The creed doesn't state what Yehovah's message is, but says that it is eternal.  So while this message is in the Hebrew Bible, it isn't necessarily the exact literal commandments and rituals described there.  For me, the message is the principles behind the laws and rituals and the principles illustrated by the stories.  The important point is that the message is eternal.  The message doesn't change with time because the message applies to human nature and human nature doesn't change.

The message is in both the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) and in history.  If the message is true, but must be reflected in the real world which means it must be confirmed by history.  Many religions are concerned about the conflict between their religious beliefs and reason.  But reason comes in two types, deductive reasoning and inductive reasoning.  Human deductive reasoning can easily be flawed.  This is why science requires experimental confirmation before accepting a theory.  The experimental confirmation provides inductive reasoning to support the theory.  Using the same criteria as science, any religion has the right to reject any purely deductive argument against its beliefs.  But inductive arguments, meaning facts from history, must be taken seriously.  This is why Biblic Judaism seeks truth both in the Bible and in history.