Of course Heartiste and RAMZPAUL completely miss the point. It's not about offending women.
Trump's biggest offense was chasing a married women. In this case, he failed, but he has bragged about sex with married women in other cases. This shows that Trump doesn't care about other men at all, that he is a complete psychopath (Clinton too, of course).
The second offense is simply vulgarity. My friends in college were jocks. I used to play rugby with them (not a popular sport here in America) and go drinking with them afterwards. We did not talk like this. Vulgarity reflects a decadent culture.
Lastly, chasing women ruins potential wives for other men. But here I give Trump a pass since virtually all American women are sluts anyway.
Trump is a perfect fit with disgusting American culture. Whoever wins, I hope America, including Washington DC, is nuked and these scum are vaporized.