A young woman just got up and left the cafeteria because I sat down in the same cafeteria as her

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A young woman just got up and left the cafeteria because I sat down in the same cafeteria as her

I was getting lunch at my workplace's cafeteria and noticed this hot young girl just as she was sitting down to eat. I didn't want to creep her out by sitting too close to her, so I sat where there were a couple of empty tables between us, and sat so that i wouldnt be facing directly towards her. After a couple of seconds she got up and left the cafeteria, deciding not to eat there anymore because I had given her creepy vibes and she didn't want to be in the same room as me, and went to eat her lunch elsewhere.

This always happens to me, and in fact I was just thinking about it the other day. It seems like every time I am in the same room as a young girl, she gets up and moves or leaves the room. Even if I am in a fast food place, waiting for my order, young women always stand as far away from me as possible.

Today's scene wouldn't have happened if I were on alcohol. I could have sat at the table right next to her and she wouldn't be creeped out. But in my normal state something about women really offends women and makes them want to be as far away from me as possible, even to the point of leaving the room.
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Re: A young woman just got up and left the cafeteria because I sat down in the same cafeteria as her

I think you already lost your goddamn mind