in this conversation the guy warned me about “Quranists” that reject the Sunnah saying that Quranists are Kuffars.
“In Muslim countries they would be shot, but here in the west they are allowed to spread lies”
So this Masjid, according to the guy I am talking to, seems to hold the Salafi in a negative light as he says salafis have issues with their core beliefs and are very intolerant to those who did disagree with them... he told me to speak to the Imam for the finer details
He told me another incident that the Pakistani has racist views even to the imam, even though the Imam at the mosque is an Mullena(a religious authority figure and scholar), he was a convert as he was a former Hungarian Jew. Last year, in a disagreement with when Ramadan starts, as the Pakistani want to start the fasting as the moon phase started in Pakistan, the Imam disagreed saying the moon phase has yet to start here in North America. The Pakistani starting to scream at the Imam during the Jummah Khattuba in the worship room and a fight in the Masjid almost broke out...
I don’t know what I am getting myself into lol